Lets be honest. Inflation steals the value of your savings and Deflation makes you a slave to debt.

You can’t win with money, just like how you can’t win life. You’ll always get hungry and tired again tomorrow, no matter how much you eat or sleep today.

So, everyone is talking about the recent Inflation: 5.4% last year. What does that mean? It means that your savings are worth 5.4% less and your paycheck will only buy 94.6% of what it did last year.

Just like how you’re dealing with this, the City is dealing with it too. Costs are up, but some of the City’s income is up too.

Unfortunately for everyone, the utility fees that the City charges are tied to inflation with a “Cost of Living Adjustments” (COLA) clause in the budget.

Fortunately, this will only translate to about a $5 increase in utility bills.

Unfortunately, again, it isn’t the only cost around that’s going to be increasing.