Hundreds of homes are being built in the Foothill Village Subdivision near the mouth of Santaquin Canyon. This community is projected to be completed by Spring 2023.

With this explosive growth and increased traffic along Highland Drive, a concerned citizen requested that the City paint lines on Highland Drive, otherwise known as “striping.”

The striping would help drivers stay on road and on their proper side.

The Development Review Committee (DRC) looked into the request, but found that the road didn’t yet have enough traffic to warrant the striping, which would require a regular cost of about $.50 per foot.

The DRC proposed instead, installing delineators along the west side of Highland Drive (metal poles with reflectors). This would be a one time installation cost would require minimal upkeep, as well as help people stay on the road. It would also reduce damage to the shoulder of the road, including snowplows.

The concerned citizen was happy to see that she was heard, and that the DRC was willing to work with her to solve the issue.

Video begins with the review of the traffic control request. This discussion goes till 1:14:19.